Getting Started

1. Register your account
Visit and fill in the registration form. You will shortly receive an activation email from us. To activate your account, open your m...
Sat, 15 Feb, 2020 at 6:19 PM
2. Complete your account details
You are now ready to add the basic information about your company/profile. Go to account settings. Fields marked with the * signs are required. You w...
Sat, 15 Feb, 2020 at 6:20 PM
3. Connect Stripe
To accept payments, you will need to connect your Stripe account. Optionally, we can accept the money from the sale for you, but we will transfer the money ...
Sat, 15 Feb, 2020 at 6:21 PM
4. Add your Social Media links and tracking codes (not required)
This feature is not required in order to use Mbooked. However, we strongly recommend you go through this process. Find your social media URLs you want to u...
Sat, 15 Feb, 2020 at 6:16 PM