To create a new event, select Event and Add Event from the navigation bar. Only fields with an * are required.

Main event data:


* Event title - a unique link to the event will be created from this name.

* Event date and time - select date and time from date-picker.

* Event subject - Chose the right category to match your event. Background image will be different for each category.

* Chose currency - Select the currency in which you will accept funds.

* Ticket options - Ticket name, price, quantity, optional until when it is displayed.

Upload seats map - Optionally upload graphics with different venue sectors.

* Short description - This text will show on event list page and social media share dialogs. 

* Event page content - Long description of your event (including images).

Upload poster - Upload promo graphic of your event. 

Youtube video - Copy Youtube url. (https://)

Facebook event url - Copy the Facebook event link. (https://)

* Venue Details  - as usual

Display venue map on landing page - Copy embed google map code. Here is a video how to do this.

Venue map link - Link to google map. Here is a video how to do this.

Manual Status - Chose from different status options:

  1. In Sale - tickets are in sale.
  2. Not In Sale - this status disable ticket purchase form. Set automatically if all tickets are sold out.
  3. Sold Out - set manually if you want to give a clear message that tickets are sold out.
  4. Cancelled - set manually if event is cancelled.

Publish event - tick this checkbox to go live with your event. If checkbox is anticked only you will be able to see event page. Preview mode. 

Settings tab:

Is Customer covering Stripe fees? - Set if you want to add extra charge to cover Stripe Fees. By choosing this option you will receive the full amount of the ticket price.

Hide Event date and time - Event date and time will not be displayed on event page. Essential for festivals and recurring events.

Add phone field to purchase form - adds another input field in the form if you want to collect phone numbers.